YouTube Stories & Share Facebook Collections – Social Chefs

On episode 168 of the social media marketing talk show, Social Chatter, we explore sharing Facebook Collections, YouTube Stories & sharing Instagram Stories.

In December, I had the opportunity to be a guest on Social Chef’s podcast – Social Chatter. The episode that week, while it wasn’t planned, ended up being right up my alley. The updates and topics that week were all about storytelling and stories on the various platforms.

We also chatted about how things could be shared with followers and family members. It was a lively discussion with some banter and wit thrown in for good measure. You can check out the full episode here.


Over the next few weeks, there will be segments of the episode dropping on my YouTube channel. You will be able to find those videos here.

The segments are of some very specific questions I was asked and the answers I gave. They are great snippets with a huge value add for businesses who are using social media and online marketing to promote their business.

Thank you so much to Christian and Phil for having me on the show and to Jessika Phillips for recommending me. I sincerely appreciate all of you and your contributions to the industry. It is definitely a better place with you all in it.


Source: YouTube Stories & Share Facebook Collections – Social Chefs

The Snippets 🙂

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